1.Ausstattungsmerkmale Werden eingerichtet im Menüpunkt Unterkunft im Bereich “ Einstellung für Unterkunft “ und “ Austattung“
*********************************** 2. Anreißtexte (Teaser“) Eine kurze, prägnante Beschreibung, die die Merkmale und Vorteile des Angebots hervorhebt. Der Teaser wird unter dem Menüpunkt Unterkunft im Bereich “ Einstellung für Unterkunft “ in den Textfeldern Beschreibung in den Suchergebnissen: UND Beschreibung in der Unterkunftsübersicht: angelegt
*********************************** 3.Das Beitragsbild wird auf der Detailseite und den Suchergebnissen angezeigt das Beitragsbild wird unter dem Menüpunkt Unterkunft auf der rechten Seite unter Beitragsbild angelegt
*********************************** 4- 9= Beschreibung der Wohnung ohne den Anreißtext! Die wird im Menüpunkt Unterkunft in dem großen „Textfeld“ angelegt.
4.Beschreibung des Wohnbereichs (Wohnzimmer/ Wohnschlafzimmer) 5. Bildergalerie 6. Beschreibung Schlafzimmer 7. Beschreibung Küche 8. Beschreibung Bad 9. weitere Beschreibung
*********************************** 10. Weitere allgemein Beschreibung diese Hinweise wer den unter dem Menüpunkt „Hinweise“ unter „Allgemeine Beschreibung Ferienanlage“ angelegt.
*********************************** 11. Belegungsplan – wird aus der Reservierungsübersicht generiert
*********************************** 12. Preisliste -wird aus den Menüpunkten Saisonzeiten und den Tarife generiert
In this section of the documentation, you will find information regarding the Accommodation sub-menus of Hbook menu. For the plugin to work correctly you need to create at least 1 type of accommodation.
Click Add New Accommodation
Enter the Accommodation title and the Accommodation description (you can use shortcodes such as Ungültiger Shortcode. Verwende: [hb_availability accom_id="ID"], Ungültiger Shortcode. Verwende: [hb_rates accom_id="ID"]).
Enter the Accommodation title: this is the name of the accommodation type as it will appear on front-end. You can create a different admin name (see below)
You will see the accommodation id here: you might need it when using the shortcodes
If you wish to use the default HBook accommodation post to display your accommodation page, please enter the content of the post here. You can add HBook shortcodes to add an availability calendar, a rate table or a search form. By default, if a shortcode is added within the accommodation post, it is applied for this accommodation type.
Fill in the Accommodation settings.
Enter the normal occupancy (required): this is the number of people the accommodation rate (as set in HBook->Rates) is for.
Enter the maximum occupancy (required): this is the maximum number of persons the accommodation can cater for.
Enter the minimum occupancy (optional): if you wish to set a minimum number of person for the accommodation type, please enter it here.
Die Ferienwohnung Seeblick mit Blick auf das Meer und den Langholzer See ist geeignet für 6 Personen.
Die Ferienwohnung Seeblick befindet sich im 1. OG und ist bequem über einen Fahrstuhl zu erreichen.
Die Wohnung ist komplett Ausgestattet. Zur Wohnung Seeblick gehört ein Balkon mit Gartenmöbeln.
Die geräumige Ferienwohnung Ostseestrand mit Blick auf das Meer ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Die Wohnung ist komplett ausgestattet. Die Ferienwohnung Ostseestrand mit Meerblick ist ebenerdig und barrierefrei zu erreichen, dadurch besonders bei Familien mit Kindern und Hund sehr beliebt.
Die geräumige Ferienwohnung Seeufer mit Ostseeblick ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Die Wohnung ist komplett ausgestattet und besitzt eine Terrasse mit Gartenmöbeln. Hier können bei gutem Wetter die Mahlzeiten mit Ostseeblick eingenommen werden. Die Ferienwohnung Seeufer mit Meerblick ist ebenerdig und barrierefrei zu erreichen, dadurch besonders bei Familien mit Kindern und Hund sehr beliebt.
Die Ferienwohnung Fernblick mit herrlichem Blick auf das Meer ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Die Ferienwohnung Fernblick befindet sich im 1. OG und ist bequem über einen Fahrstuhl zu erreichen. Auf dem Balkon können bei gutem Wetter die Mahlzeiten bei einem wunderschönen Blick auf die Ostsee und den Schiffsverkehr in der Kieler Bucht eingenommen werden.
Die geräumige Ferienwohnung Ostseeblick mit Blick auf das Meer und den Schiffsverkehr in der Kieler Bucht ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Der Balkon ist mit einem Spezialbelag ausgelegt, der auch barfuß angenehm zu belaufen ist.
Die Ferienwohnung Traumblick im 1. OG mit Balkon und fantastischem Blick auf die Ostsee ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Aus den Schlafzimmern genießen Sie einen schönen Blick über den Langholzer See und das Meer.
Die barrierefrei erreichbare Ferienwohnung Fördeblick am Ostseestrand ist geeignet für 2 bis max 3 Personen. Zur Wohnung gehört ein Strandkorb am Badestrand der Ostsee der in dn Monaten Mai bis September kostenlos genutzt werden kann.
Die Ferienwohnung Ostseewelle am Meeresstrand ist geeignet für 3 Personen und absolut barrierefrei zu erreichen. Waschbecken und WC sind auch für Rollstuhlfahrer geeignet. Auf der Terrasse können bei gutem Wetter die Mahlzeiten mit Blick auf das Meer eingenommen werden.
Die Ferienwohnung Meerblick im 1. OG ist bequem über einen Fahrstuhl zu erreichen. Die Ferienwohnung Meerblick mit Balkon befindet sich am Strand der Ostsee und ist geeignet für 2 bis 3 Personen.
Die Apartmentferienwohnungen mit Blick auf den Langholzer See sind geeignet für 2 Personen. Die Apartments verfügen alle über einen eigenen Eingang. Der Meeresstrand der Ostsee ist bereits nach wenigen Schritten erreicht.
Die Apartment-Ferienwohnung Möwe hat einen Wintergarten und Blick auf den Langholzer See. Das Apartment an der Ostsee ist 2 Personen geeignet, verfügt aber über eine zusätzliche Schlafcouch.
Die Apartmentferienwohnung Seeadler mit Blick auf den Langholzer See ist geeignet für 2 Personen. Bereits nach wenigen Schritten erreichen Sie den Meeresstrand der Ostsee.
Die Ferienwohnung Seeblick mit Blick auf das Meer und den Langholzer See ist geeignet für 6 Personen.
Die Ferienwohnung Seeblick befindet sich im 1. OG und ist bequem über einen Fahrstuhl zu erreichen.
Die Wohnung ist komplett Ausgestattet. Zur Wohnung Seeblick gehört ein Balkon mit Gartenmöbeln.
Die geräumige Ferienwohnung Ostseestrand mit Blick auf das Meer ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Die Wohnung ist komplett ausgestattet. Die Ferienwohnung Ostseestrand mit Meerblick ist ebenerdig und barrierefrei zu erreichen, dadurch besonders bei Familien mit Kindern und Hund sehr beliebt.
Die geräumige Ferienwohnung Seeufer mit Ostseeblick ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Die Wohnung ist komplett ausgestattet und besitzt eine Terrasse mit Gartenmöbeln. Hier können bei gutem Wetter die Mahlzeiten mit Ostseeblick eingenommen werden. Die Ferienwohnung Seeufer mit Meerblick ist ebenerdig und barrierefrei zu erreichen, dadurch besonders bei Familien mit Kindern und Hund sehr beliebt.
Die Ferienwohnung Fernblick mit herrlichem Blick auf das Meer ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Die Ferienwohnung Fernblick befindet sich im 1. OG und ist bequem über einen Fahrstuhl zu erreichen. Auf dem Balkon können bei gutem Wetter die Mahlzeiten bei einem wunderschönen Blick auf die Ostsee und den Schiffsverkehr in der Kieler Bucht eingenommen werden.
Die geräumige Ferienwohnung Ostseeblick mit Blick auf das Meer und den Schiffsverkehr in der Kieler Bucht ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Der Balkon ist mit einem Spezialbelag ausgelegt, der auch barfuß angenehm zu belaufen ist.
Die Ferienwohnung Traumblick im 1. OG mit Balkon und fantastischem Blick auf die Ostsee ist geeignet für 4 Personen. Aus den Schlafzimmern genießen Sie einen schönen Blick über den Langholzer See und das Meer.
Die barrierefrei erreichbare Ferienwohnung Fördeblick am Ostseestrand ist geeignet für 2 bis max 3 Personen. Zur Wohnung gehört ein Strandkorb am Badestrand der Ostsee der in dn Monaten Mai bis September kostenlos genutzt werden kann.
Die Ferienwohnung Ostseewelle am Meeresstrand ist geeignet für 3 Personen und absolut barrierefrei zu erreichen. Waschbecken und WC sind auch für Rollstuhlfahrer geeignet. Auf der Terrasse können bei gutem Wetter die Mahlzeiten mit Blick auf das Meer eingenommen werden.
Die Ferienwohnung Meerblick im 1. OG ist bequem über einen Fahrstuhl zu erreichen. Die Ferienwohnung Meerblick mit Balkon befindet sich am Strand der Ostsee und ist geeignet für 2 bis 3 Personen.
Die Apartmentferienwohnungen mit Blick auf den Langholzer See sind geeignet für 2 Personen. Die Apartments verfügen alle über einen eigenen Eingang. Der Meeresstrand der Ostsee ist bereits nach wenigen Schritten erreicht.
Die Apartment-Ferienwohnung Möwe hat einen Wintergarten und Blick auf den Langholzer See. Das Apartment an der Ostsee ist 2 Personen geeignet, verfügt aber über eine zusätzliche Schlafcouch.
Die Apartmentferienwohnung Seeadler mit Blick auf den Langholzer See ist geeignet für 2 Personen. Bereits nach wenigen Schritten erreichen Sie den Meeresstrand der Ostsee.
Apartmentferienwohnung „Strandläufer“ für 2 Personen (Aufbettung für ein Kind möglich) an der Ostsee mit Blick auf den Langholzer See.
Indicate the number of accommodation of this type (required). Note that you will be able to edit the accommodtion numbering (see below).
Indicate the linked accommodation: you will enter here the accommodation ids of the accommodation that need to be blocked automatically when the accommodation type you currently edit is booked. If you need to specify the number of accommodations that need to be blocked for each linked accommodation type, you can add that number in ().
Check some examples of linked accommodation settings
You can give a accommodation short name to the accommodation to be used in the calendar of reservations in Reservations. This can be useful if you have long accommodation title to simplify the display in the calendar.
If you have several accommodation for an accommodation, you might wish to give different names/numbers than the default numbering. If you click Edit accommodation numbering, you will be able to rename the accommodation for that Accommodation type.
You can set your preferences regarding the Accommodation display in the section above the Featured image.
Using HBook accommodation post
You can choose to use the post to display your accommodation…
… and then you can select a template
Using another post or page
You can set that you wish to use another post or page to display the accommodation…
… and you will enter the id of the page or post to be used instead.
If you wish, you can set a Featured image that will appear in the search results. Don’t forget to click Publish once you have filled in all the Accommodation details.
Examples of occupancy settings:
Rate per accommodation independently of the number of guests. In this example, we have a Triple Room and the rate is $75 per room in Winter season and $95 per room in Summer season (be it for 1, 2 or 3 persons). Normal occupancy and maximum occupancy are set to the maximum number of persons the accommodation type is for. No need for minimum occupancy. We use only the Accommodation rate as there is no need to define prices for people beyond normal occupancy since the price does not vary according to the number of guests.
Base rate for the accommodation and rate for extra-persons. In this example, we have an apartment that is rent per week for maximum 4 persons ; price is the same for 1 or 2 persons but 3rd and 4th persons need to pay an extra fee. Normal occupancy is set at 2 persons and maximum occupancy is set to 4 persons (this will allow us to define the price for 2 persons and for each additional guest. In HBook->Rates, you will set the „Accommodation“ rate as being the rate for up to 2 persons and you will set the „Price per adult/children above normal occupancy“ to set the price for the additional guests.
Rate is per person, not per accommodation. In this example, we have a family apartment that can accommodate up to 5 persons. The price is per person: an adult will pay $50 per night and a child will be charged $30 per night. Normal occupancy is set at 1 persons and maximum occupancy is set to 5 persons (this will allow us to define a price per person). In HBook->Rates, you will set the „Accommodation“ rate as the rate for 1 adult. Then, you will set the „Price per adult above normal occupancy“ at $50 (price per adult) and the „Price per children above normal occupancy“ at $30 (price per child).
Accommodation with a minimum occupancy. In this example, we have a holiday home that can be rented per room or entirely. We have created an accommodation type „Entire holiday home“ but we don’t want to offer it for less than 5 persons. Therefore, the accommodation type should not be shown in the results if the search is for less than 5 persons: minimum occupancy is set to 5.
Examples of linked accommodation settings:
When there is a booking for this accommodation type, one accommodation of the accommodation type id 2 is blocked automatically for these dates.
When there is a booking for this accommodation type, one accommodation of the accommodation type id 2, one accommodation of the accommodation type id 3 and one accommodation of the accommodation type id 4 are blocked automatically for these dates.
When there is a booking for this accommodation type, three accommodations of the accommodation type id 2 and five accommodations of the accommodation type id 3 are blocked automatically for these dates.
Note that if you need to link accommodations both ways (if one is booked, the other is blocked automatically and vice-versa), you will need to enter for each accommodation type the accommodation id of the other.
Pricing settings
In this section of the documentation, the following sub-menus from HBook settings are explained:
Booking rules
Extra services
1. Seasons
You will find the page of the Seasons in the menu HBook > Saisons . For the plugin to work correctly you need to create at least 1 season. Note that since all bookable days must belong to one season, you need to define at least one season with an end date which is at least equal to the Maximum date for a reservation (which can be set in HBook > Misc).
Create a new season:
Click Add new season
Enter a name
Click Save
Add dates for the season:
Click on the + icon.
Enter a start date
Enter an end date
Select a set of days for the chosen dates
Click Save
Summer and off-peak:
Weekday and Week-end:
School holidays and rest of the year:
2. Booking rules
You will find the page of the Booking rules in the menu HBook > Booking rules . Booking rules are optionals. There are 5 types of Booking rules.
Check-in days: define on which days customers are allowed to check-in.
Check-out days: define on which days customers are allowed to check-out.
Minimum stays: define the mimimum length of a stay.
Maximum stays: define the maximum length of a stay.
Advanced booking rules: define advanced rules to create compulsory settings for stays, special rates, discounts or coupons.
Allowed check-in and check-out days – Changeover days
With the Allowed check-in days and Allowed check-out days, you can indicate on which days your customers can arrive and leave. It can be set according to season and accommodation.
Changeover day on Saturday all year round for all accommodation types:
Different check-in and check-out days depending on seasons:
Minimum amd maximum stay
With the Minimum stay and Maximum stay, you can indicate the minimum number of nights and the maximum number of nights allowed. It can be set according to season and accommodation.
Different minimum stays depending on the season (7 nights minimum stay on „Summer“ season and 2 nights the rest of the year):
Minimum stay depending on accommodation type and season:
Maximum stay for all accommodation types and seasons:
Advanced booking rules
This is a powerful feature that will enable you to define settings conditionally. It has two different aims.
to define the conditions for various booking situation that can not be set using only the settings above
to define the conditions of discounts and coupons
There are 5 types of advanced rules:
Compulsory: if the booking request has a check-in day that falls in one of the check-in days set in the rule then the booking request must comply with the rule.
Special rate: if the booking request follows the rule a special rate is applied. You will indicate the rate for that rule in Rates page
Compulsory and special rate: this rule is both a compulsory rule and a special rate rule.
Discount: if the booking request follows the rule then a discount is applied. You will indicate the type of discount (percentage or fixed amount) and its value in Rates > Discount.
Coupon : if the booking request follows the rule and the customer enter a valid coupon, a discount is applied. You will indicate the type of discount (percentage or fixed amount) and its value in Rates > Coupons.
To create an advanced rule click on Add rule.
You can then set the attributes of the new rule.
Enter the name of the rule
Select the rule type
Select one or several check-in day(s)
Select one or several check-out day(s)
Enter a minimum stay if applicable
Enter a maximum stay if applicable
Select for which accommodation type this rule is for. This parameter will be displayed only for the advanced booking rules of type „Compulsory“ and „Compulosry and Special rate“. For the other rule types, the seasons and accommodation types are selected directly when entering the rates in Rates.
Select for which season this rule is for. This parameter will be displayed only for the advanced booking rules of type „Compulsory“ and „Compulosry and Special rate“. For the other rule types, the seasons and accommodation types are selected directly when entering the rates in Rates.
Click Save
Fixed length stay for specific check-in day (Compulsory check-out on following Friday if check-in on Monday):
Discounts for more than 10-night stays and for more than 30-night stays:
Coupons with conditions: only valid for stays between 3 and 7 nights:
3. Rates
You will find the page of the Rates in the menu HBook > Rates . Once you have created Accommodation type and Seasons you will be able to define rates. Below is an example of a rate table for a user who has defined 2 types of accommodationn and 3 seasons.
If you have set a different number of person for the normal occupancy and the maximum occupancy you can add rates for extra people in the Price per adult above normal occupancy table and the Price per child above normal occupancy table. See example below.
Special rates
If you have created Special rate rules you will need to define these rates by selecting the name of the rule in the rate tables. See example below.
Discounts are applied to the total price when the criterias of a search meets the criterias of a discount rule set in Booking rules > Advanced booking rules. If you have created Discount rules you will need to define the amount and type of discount by creading a new discount. See example below.
You can create coupon codes that you give to your customers so they can get a discount when they enter the coupon code at the time of the booking.
You can create coupon code without linking them to any advanced booking rule. In that case, there is no conditions for the discount to be applied, as long as the customer enter the coupon code.
You can create an advanced booking rule for a „Coupon“ in order to set conditions for the coupon to be valid. In this case, the discount will be applied only if the customer enter the coupon code and the stay match the criterias set for the coupon to be valid.
You can use a same coupon name for different accommodation types and/or different seasons with different discount amount/types. See examples below.
4. Extra services
You will find the page of the Extra services in the menu HBook > Extra-services . If you wish to offer your customer extra services that they can add to their booking, you will be able to set them in this page. An extra service can be a single option or can be a multiple options to pick from. There are different types of extra services that will lead to different price calculation:
per person: you can set adult price and children price. It is charged once only.
per person per day: you can set adult price and children price. It will be multiplicated by the number of nights.
per accommodation: it is charged once only.
per accommodation per day: it will be multiplicated by the number of nights.
quantity: you set the price for one and the customer can enter the desired amount
quantity per day: you set the price for one and the customer can enter the desired amount. It will be multiplicated by the number of nights.
To create an extra service:
Click on Add new extra service
Enter the name of the extra
Indicate if there is a multiple choice for this extra
Select the type of extra
Enter the amount
Select the accommodation type that are concerned by the extra
click Save
Below are examples of extra services and their settings:
5. Fees
You will find the page of the Fees in the menu HBook > Fees .
If you need to set fees that will come on top of the booking, you will be able to set them in this page. There are different types of fees that will lead to different price calculation:
per person: you can set adult price and children price. It is charged once only.
per person per day: you can set adult price and children price. It will be multiplicated by the number of nights.
per accommodation: it is charged once only.
per accommodation per day: it will be multiplicated by the number of nights.
per accommodation (percentage): it is a percentage of the accommodation price
global( fixed ): it is a set amount to add to the global price
global( percentage ): it is a percentage of the global price( accommodation + options + fees )
To create a fee:
click on Add new fee
Enter the name of the fee
Select the type of fee
Enter the amount
Select the accommodation type that are concerned by the fee
click Save
Below are examples of fees and their settings:
Opening dates: here you can set for which range of dates bookings are opened
Dates settings: you can set the date format and the first day of the week. Note that if you have a multilingual site, you can set these for each language (as in screenshot).
Terms and conditions, Privacy policy:
If you wish to add terms and conditions checkbox: A „Terms and Conditions“ section will be displayed just before the „Book now“ button. To customize the text, to add for example a link to your terms and conditions page, go to HBook->Text->Book now area and you will find the fields that can be customized. See the knowledgebase for an example.
If you wish to add a privacy policy checkbox: A „Privacy Policy“ section will be displayed just before the „Book now“ button. To customize the text, to add for example a link to your privacy policy page, go to HBook->Text->Book now area and you will find the fields that can be customized. See the knowledgebase for an example.
Misc: change the accommodation post slug, timeout settings, uninstall settings
Forms customization
In this section of the documentation, you will find information regarding the Forms sub-menu of Hbook menu.
Thanks to the Forms page you can customize the forms which are displayed when a customer makes a reservation. This page is divided 3 sections:
Search form: in this section you can customize the fields of the Search form.
Booking form: in this section you customize the fields of the form customers used for entering their details.
1. Search form
Customize the fields of the Search form.
2. Accommodation selection
Customize the Accommodation selection.
Note that the accommodation title, the accommodation thumbnail and the button link towards the accommodation page are not displayed on accommodations pages or if you have only one type of accommodation.
In this section of the documentation, you will find information regarding the Customers sub-menu of Hbook menu.
This is where are listed all your customers. A customer id is associated to a customer email, which means that if a reservation is done with an existing customer email, the information associated to that customer will be updated by HBook if needed.
You can here manually manage the customer details and list. It is possible to edit customer details or as well to delete the customer which will remove it definitely from the list.
Example of customer table
iCal import/export/syncronization
In this section of the documentation, you will find information regarding the Ical synchronization sub-menu of Hbook menu.
HBook allows you to import, export and syncronize calendars using iCal feeds or files. HBook syncronizes hourly with the calendars added.
A recommended practice is to have HBook as your main calendar and to set two-ways syncronization between HBook and other ical calendars. You should not set any syncronization between two other calendars, if they already are syncronized with HBook.
Presentation of iCal syncronization table
To export a HBook calendar of an accommodation, you can:
Click here to get the url of the calendar. You can copy it and paste it to provide the url of HBook calendar for that accommodation.
Download an .ics file of HBook calendar for that accommodation.
To import an .ics calendar file for a certain accommodation:
Click on Import a calendar file and select the .ics file to be imported. All future events of that calendar will be processed. A notice message will appear to inform you of the result of the import.
To syncronize HBook calendar with another ical calendar:
Click on New calendar
Enter the Name you wish to give to the calendar you will syncronize with.
Enter the url of the calendar
Click Add
All future events of that calendar will be processed. A notice message will appear to inform you of the result of the import.
The list of the calendars which are syncronized with HBook appears in the last column:
The name of the calendar
Click Edit to change the name or the url of the calendar
Click Delete if you wish to stop syncronizing HBook calendar with this calendar
Note that as ical is aimed at syncronizing calendars only, it does not update the information regarding payment, customer details or number of adults/children. You will have to edit these in the reservation list.
Presentation of iCal syncronization settings
To be able to deal with the diverstity of external calendars supporting iCal and to offer you synchronization options, you will find the following settings:
This setting is used to enable or disable the notifications displayed in Reservations page.
When a reservation is imported, set if it should be with status „New“ or „Confirmed“. This setting can come in handy if you have set an email template to be sent automatically upon reservation confirmation or if you wish to see only reservation received directly on your website as „New“.
If the dates of a reservation has been modified in the external calendar, they can be updated automatically in HBook. This option is to be disabled if your external calendar does not follow iCal standards.
If the status of a reservation has been modified (for example, if the reservation has been canceled) in the external calendar, it can be automatically modified on HBook as well. This option is to be disabled if your external calendar does not follow iCal standards.
Some external calendars read the property STATUS of an iCal feed, other don’t. This setting is here for you to set if you wish to include the reservations with „Cancelled“ status in HBook export iCal feed. This option is to be disabled if your external calendar does not follow iCal standards.
You can choose to include blocked dates in the export or not.
The Summary is a one line short description for the reservation. You can use the variables to customize it. Some external calendar show the Summary to help you identify the reservation.
The Description is a one more detailed description for the reservation. You can use the variables to customize it. Some external calendar show the Description but not all of them.
HBook is coded to deal with the most possible options iCal synchronization can offer, as updating the dates or status of a reservation automatically, customizing the summary and description. However, not all external calendars create the iCal feed to work to its most. Therefore, you might need to disable some of these functionalities to make it work properly.
Reservation page
In this section of the documentation, you will find information regarding the Reservations sub-menus of Hbook menu.
All reservations made on your website will appear in the Reservation page. The reservation page is separated in 5 parts.
Note that HBook allows you to set different user roles for reservation access and management. See here for more information.
A notice can appear at the top of the Reservations page if there has been any errors of syncronization. See iCal syncronization. You can disable the notifications in Misc menu.
1. Calendar
Select which accommodation type you wish to be displayed
The current day is highlighted in light blue
Go two weeks backward.
Select a month of a year from the pop-up calendar
Go two weeks forward.
A confirmed reservation will appear in green
A new reservation will appear in yellow.
A blocked accommodation will appear in pink
2. Reservation list
Below is an example of what could be a reservation list:
Let’s see now in details what is displayed in the list and what are the possible actions.
Reservation sorting and filtering:
You can filter reservations by customer, by status, by check-in date, by check-out date or by check-in and check-out date, by active reservation, by accommodation.
You can sort reservations by received date or check-in date.
Column „Reservation status“:
A reservation can have 4 different status:
Pending: the reservation needs confirmation. A pending reservation do not appear in the calendar of reservation. You can view that status only if you have set in HBook settings->Confirmation settings that a reservation have to be confirmed before dates are blocked out.
Cancelled: the reservation has been cancelled but has not been deleted (you can still access details about this reservation but it will not appear in the calendar).
Confirmed: Either a Pending reservation has been confirmed (See Confirmation settings ) or a New reservation has been read (the green tick has been clicked to acknowledge it has been read).
New: the reservation has just been received and you have not yet acknowledged you read it (by clicking the green tick).
Columns „Check-in/Check-out“, „Accommodation type (number)“, „Information“, „Comment“:
To edit the dates of a reservation: click on Edit and then enter the new dates.
To change the accommodation type/number that has been allocated to a reservation: click on Edit and select the new accommodation type/number amongst the available accommodations
You can see the extra-services selected, the payment method, the number of guests. You can change the number of
To add a comment, click on Add a comment. Comments can be edited too.
Columns „Customer“, „Price/Payment“, „Actions“:
To edit the customer details: click on Edit and add/edit the information.
A reservation can have three payment status:
Not fully paid
To edit the price, the price paid and remaining balance: click on Edit payment. You can as well Mark as paid.
With Stripe payment gateway (only), you can charge a credit card that has been saved: click on Charge and enter the amount to be charged.
You can do 4 types of actions on a reservation:
Mark as Confirmed:
If you have set that a reservation have to be confirmed before dates are blocked out, this action will add the reservation to the calendar
If reservation do not have to be confimed, then this action will not do anything apart changing the statut to Confirmed which in this case mean that you acknowledge you have read the reservation.
If you have set email templates that are sent upon confirmation, they will be automatically sent.
Delete: note that a deleted reservation can not be restored.
Send an email
Select the template you wish to use. You can set different email templates in Emails
Edit the message if you wish to customize it.
Block accommodation
This is the tool you can use to set accommodations as unavailable. It can be useful if you have several closure periods during the year for example or if you receive booking from other source and wish to update availability without entering the reservation details.
Select which Accommodation types are concerned.
Select which Accommodation numbers are concerned.
Select the date From when the accommodation is unavailable.
Select the date up To when the accommodation is unavailable.
Add a comment if you wish.
Click on Block accommodation
A list of the accommodation you have blocked will be shown.
Add a reservation
Here you can manually add reservation. It can be used if you receive reservations from other source (phone, email…) and wish to enter the full details of the booking.
Select a check-in date.
Select a check-out date.
Select the number of adults.
Select the number of children.
Select the accommodation type.
Click on Check price and availability
Then, as summary of the search criteria with the details of the pricing, selection of extra-services and available accommodation will appear:
You can set a different price than the one calculated by HBook
Select the Accommodation
You can enter the customer id for a returning customer or enter full customer details
Here you can add a comment for the reservation
Click on Create reservation
Export Reservations
It is possible to export your reservation in .csv file, which can be used for example with Excel.